Title 24 is back for Season 3. Last week Ricky Carmichael and Ryan Villopoto were able to catch up with 2-time SuperMotocross 450 World Champion Jett Lawrence prior to the Australian SX to discuss what motivates the 21-year-old, why he continues to race after winning all there is to win, how he'd change the whoops situation, and what makes a good meat pie. Plus, our analysts discuss whether it is better to ride or to race during the off-season.
(0:00) Title 24 is back!
(1:05) Moto Parenting
(7:31) Turkey Day Riding
(9:16) Mini O's, Triumph, and Holidays
(11:25) Welcome in Jett!
(13:07) Jett Lawrence joins the show
(44:28) Reaction to Jett's openness
(45:22) 2025 SMX World Championship Season Preview Show
(50:42) Off-season: To race or just ride?
(56:02) Send us your thoughts & guest requests